No one wants to fall ill while on holiday, but if you do it is worth knowing your nearest doctor:
Bakau: Ndebaan Medical Centre, Dr Jack Faal,
tel 4496426
Kololi: Kololi Clinic, Dr Ceesay, tel 4463434
Senegambia: Lamtorro Clinic, tel 4460934
Banul Belly as its commonly known often occurs through not drinking enough water or a combination of too much sun and alcohol.
Be careful where you eat. Choose reputable establishments and avoid street food. If you suffer from sickness or diaorrhea, avoid alcohol, dairy products abd drink plenty of water. Seek medical advice as soon as possible.
Simple Remedy: A drink made from rice water with a little sugar and a pinch of salt helps to settle the stomach. Though this may not sound appetizing, it doesnt taste as bad as it sounds and can help until you are able to receive medication.